I first met Beryl-Anne at the Airdrie Bridal Fair in 2015. She totally pulled me in with her big smile and kind heart. Beryl-Anne does beautiful calligraphy and owns Where Memories are Made in Airdrie, a specialized bridal & gift shop that attracts brides throughout the province. She showed me her beautiful, handcrafted keepsake broach bouquets which are all the rage right now (Miranda Lambert had one at her wedding!). I promised her I would stop in at her store to snap a few photos for a blog post — but then farming came, and I was slammed with our cow/calf & grain operation. A few weeks ago I stopped in at her cozy little store in Airdrie and snapped a few pictures. The ambience and mood of this store is positively infectious. The staff is friendly and inviting, and you can’t help but feel at home. Ornate chandeliers hang from the ceiling, jewelry and broach bouquets glitter from every corner of the store, and there truly is something for everyone here. I was totally absorbed by her Lenny Eva Salvaged Sentiments build-your own jewelry collection: rustic, leather and antique feeling jewelry– so I snapped a few photos of those at the end (I couldn’t help myself!). All of Beryl-Annes inventory is affordably priced and while I was in the store, there was a constant tinkle of the doorbell as clients entered the store and marvelled at her goods. Also in the same Mall/parking lot area are my friends from Cellar Door Vintage Wedding Rentals and Where On Earth Did You Get That? antique store , so really, Beryl-Anne has landed on the sweet spot to attract the perfect clientele. Stop by the antique store, and then head in for the cozy atmosphere of Where Memories Are Made — pick up some Lenny Eva jewelry & tell her Kaycee sent ya!!! 😉
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